This explosion took place on Lake Ponchartrain, on the 2nd day of December, 1840. The particulars were never published before. The following list of the killed and wounded was furnished by D. H. Ryder, who was clerk of the Walker at the time of the explosion:
KILLED-J. S. harper; John Pierson, steersman; G. E. Scdenberg, of Baltimore; A. Budd, J. Cloon, Z. Ferrell, Smith.
BADLY SCALDED-J. H. White, of Tennessee; J. Bellow, of New Orleans; Mr. Lanier, Mr. Nelson, pilot, and R. Roach, deck hand.
SLIGHTLY SCALDED-Capt. J. A. Otway, J. H. Caldwell, Esq., and four stevedores from Mobile Bay, names unknown.
MISSING-.John Dean and Win. Powell, stevedores.
The accident is ascribed to the “weakness of the boiler,” and not to any omission of duty on the part of those who had charge of the engines.