The steam tow-boat Mohican, on the 19th day of February, 1842, whilo engaged, together with the tow-boat Star, in towing the British ship Edward Thorn across a bar near Now Orleans, burst all her boilers, causing the death often or twelve persons. The Mohieaa took fire ho-mediately after the explosion, and was entirely consumed. One of the boilers of the exploded vessel was found on the forecastle of the ship in tow. The accident is ascribed to a deficiency of water in the boilers.

Lieutenant Bokup, one of the revenue officers stationed at the Balize, was blown from the deck of the Mohican to the deck of the Star, aad was killed instantly. The mate of the English sbip was killed, and the Captain was dangerously wounded. Capt. Heaton, of the Mohiean, was much injured, and two engineers, two firemen, and three deck hands, belonging to the same boat, were killed.


(source: Lloyd's Steamboat Directory from 1856)