On the 21st day of August, 1846, the Enterprise was about casting off from a landing-place on the river, forty-five miles above Renoza, where she had been moored during the night; and scarcely had the paddle-wheels made three revolutions, when the boiler exploded, making a fearful havoc among the passengers (F. S. volunteers) and crew, who numbered altogether about one hundred and fifty persons. The hull, and those parts of the boat adjacent to the stern, were but little damaged, but the forward works, with everything in the neighborhood of the boilers, were torn to pieces or blown overboard. There were sixteen men sleeping between the chimneys, all of whom experienced, more or less, the sad effects of the accident.

Many were shot into tho air, and falling into the water, were drowned, being too much disabled to swim, or to make any other effort for their own preservation. Others fell on different parts of the boat, and were horribly mutilated. The boilers were very much shattered, the pieces flying about in every direction, and falling in a shower of iron fragments on the deck. In such circumstances, the escape of so many of the crew and passengers from death or severe injury was almost miraculous. No satisfactory account of the cause of the disas­ter has been given, but it was conjectured that some leakage in the boilers caused a deficiency of water therein, which is a frequent cause of steamboat explosions.

THE KILLED-Enoch Tucker, Texas; Thomas Gaufney, N. Y.; A. Boswell, Tenn.; Mr. Seaps, second cook; a passenger, name unknown.

BADLY WOUNDED-Lieutenant Dearing, of the Louisville Legion; William A. Crook, and C. B. Crook, of Tenn.; Capt. Woods, William Grey, Jacob Bowringe, and Thomas Eagle, Texas; J. C. Howard, sut­Ier, of Baltimore, Md.; Joseph Grigsby arid William ilickey, sutlers of Louisville Legion; Mr. Tabor, pilot; Thomas Kennepee, Samuel Martin, Patrick Kelley, Frank Tallant, deck hand; J. F. Clark, mate. SLIGHTLY WOUNDED-Milton Cunningham and James Wilson, Tenn.; J. Wheeler, J. Ilumeriek, Matthew Sampson, and Christian Coleman, Texas; J. Downing and Mr. Adams, sutlers of Louisville Legion; Edmund Newell, clerk; Capt. Kelsey, of Conn. ; W. Arthines, fireman; henry A. Eniinons, second mate; Dr. H. S. Tudor. Patrick Kelley, one of the wounded, was maddened by his sufferings, and died in a few days after the accident. The bodies of sonic of the passengers who were drowned, were recovered from the water and buried some miles below Renoza.

dred and forty-eight manufactorics of clothing which produeo two million nine hundred and forty-seven thousand five hundred and sixty dollars; two hundred and thirteen of furniture, which produce three million nine hundred and forty-eight thousand dollars, supplying almost the entire west with furniture; sixteen publishing establishments, which produce two million four hundred an] ten thousand dollars; sixty wine factories, eleven paper mills, seventy-nine tobacco factories, ten cotton factories, three type foundries, eighteen hell and brass foundries, sixty manufactories of hats, thirty of edge tools, sixty of soap and candles, thirty of trunks, anti ten boat yards, besides many other manufacturing establishments. Cincinnati is supplied with water raised from the Ohio river by steam power into a large limestone reservoir which holds five million gallons.

The climate of cincinnati is favourable to the cultivation of the grape. In this vicinity the vineyards occupy about two thousand acres; wine of good quality is made here from the native Catawba grape. The annual product of the vines in the neighborhood of the city is above two hundred and fifty thousand gallons. There are constantly employed in the corn­merce of Cincinnati three hundred and fifty steamboats, the total tonnage of which is over one hundred thousand; and the annual number of steamboat arrivals amount to four thou­sand. Cincinnati is the greatest pork market in the Union. There were received here in 1855 four hundred and sixty thousand hogs, eighteen millions five hundred and thirty-two thonsnnd eight hundred and eighty-four pounds of pork in the rough, besides thirty thousand barrels and fourteen thousand hogsheads of bacon. The assessed value of property in Cincinnati in 1846 was twenty-seven million one hundred and thirty-six thousand five hundred and twenty dollnrs ; in 1S53 tifty-six million two hundred and seventy-five thousand four hundred and thirty dollars; in 1955 sixty-four million three hundred and forty-one thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars. About twelve daily and above twenty weekly papers are published in Cincin­nati, besides nnmerous monthly periodicals. In addition to the above, the offices of the daily journals each issue weekly and tn-weekly publications, four of the daily and four of time weekly are in the German langoage. The city has seven or eight chartered banks, besides numerous private banking companies, the most prominent of which is the Citizens’ Bank, Wesley Smead, Esq., president, which employs over one million dollars, in discounting, &c., Cincinnati was first sottled on December 26th, l788, and was originally called Losantiville. It was incorporated as a city in 1819. In 1800 it contained only seven hundred inhabitants; in 1920, nine thousand six hundred and two; in 1830, twenty-four thousand eight hundred and forty; in 1S40, forty-six thousand three hundred and forty-eight; in 1950, one hundred and sixteen thousand four hundred and thirty-six; in 1853. one hundred and sixty thousand one hundred and eighty-six; and in 1856, two hundred and ten thousand.


(source: Lloyd's Steamboat Directory from 1856)