This steamer was destroyed by fire on the Mississippi river, nine miles above New Orleans, December 17th, 1850. About forty lives were lost. Sixteen of those who perished were United States soldiers; the rest were deck hands, and persons belonging to the boat. One woman was killed, viz : Mrs. White, the wife of the carpenter. Ia order to save her from the flames, her husband threw her into the river and then sprung after her, but could not save her.
LIST OF KILLED.-Jackson Knowles, head cook; William Sheppard, porter; a young man from Ehizabethtown, Ill., name unknown; three firemen; a collier, wife and child ; the foIlowing United States soldiers, viz.: Gilder, Ilunt, Franks, Rean, Roscndale, Drury, Dumont, Dailey, Duyer, Gerard, Hyer, Johnston, Kimble, Loomis, Werther, Lind, and Donnie; several deck passengers, names unknown, were also lost.
All the baggage belonging to the passengers, and the boat’s books and papers, were destroyed.