On the night of December 14, 1844, a disastrous collision took place on the Mississipi river, between the steamers Belle of Clarksville and Louisiana, the former from New Orleans, bound to Nashville; the lat­ter, from Memphis to New Orleans. Both vessels were heavily laden. The Belle of Clarksville was completely demolished. The hull parted from the cabin and sunk immediately, the cabin floating off with a number of passengers inside, all of whom were saved. None were drowned but deck passengers, and some of the crew of the boat. The Louisiana was immediately brought around, and every exertion was made by the captain and crew to save those persons who were floating on sniall pieces of the wreck. The detached cabin grounded about half a mile below the place where the boats came in contact. All the cargo and the baggage of the passengers was lost. The boat was la­den with sugar, salt, coffee, and molasses. Mr. J. H. French, one of the passengers, had with him three negro slaves, and three valuable horses, among them the celebrated Ann Hayes; these slaves and horses were all drowned. The iron safe containing $12,000 was saved. The cargo was insured at New Orleans for $23,000; the boat for $8,000.

The following are the names of the persons drowned:

DECK Passengers-W. Tabb, P. Linn. W. Linn, J. Ryan, A. Malisle, N. Sills, Wm. Jones, T. Whitley, N. T. Allen, A. Kirland, J. Askew, C. Ilyer, a son of J. W. flaIl, J. Peay, and four colored men.

BOATS CREW-John Ilolliday, assistant engineer, and twelve color­ed firemen, names not given.


(source: Lloyd's Steamboat Directory from 1856)