The Belle of the West was burned to the water’s edge, near Florence island, on the Ohio river, April 22d, 1850. Only an imperfect report of this disaster has been preserved.
LIST OF THE KILLED.-Jeremiah Bamberger; John Anders and wife; Frederick Bretz, wife and three children; (two children belonging to this family were saved;) Mr. Keller, wife and three children; a lady, name unknown; a man, wife and six children, names unknown;
three children of Mr. Waggoner; two German deck passengers; and a family, consisting of two men, two women, and four children.
WOUNDED.-John Bamberger; Levi Yerdz; Miss ierdz; and three or four others, names unknown.
A brave little boy, twelve years old, leaped into the river, and while swimming to the shore, saw his mother on board, overburdened with two small children, and trying to make her escape. lie made her understand by gestures, that he wished her to throw one of the children into the water. She did so, and he swain with it to the shore. The mother escaped with the other child, and thus the whole family was saved. Several other families were less fortunate. A Mr. Waggoner, one of the passengers, was accompanied by his wife and eight children. Three of the children were drowned. Mr. Waggoner was emigrating to Iowa, having with him money, with which he intended to purchase land; but every dollar of it was lost. About fifty German Moravians, some of them with families, were on board. Many of these people perished in the flames, or in the water.