The Creole was on her way from Nachitoches, on Red River, to New Orleans, with a full freight of cotton, and one hundred thousand dol­lars in specie, consigned to the Exchange Bank of New Orleans. She had, likewise, about one hundred passengers, including several entire families. At an early hour on Monday morning, February 22d, 1841, when the Creole had reached the mouth of Red River, she was dis­covered to be in flames, which spread with such rapidity as to preclude all hope of saving the vessel. The engineer and pilot remained at their posts until they were completely surrounded by the flames, and succeeded in running the boat to the nearest bank of the river, before the tiller-ropes were burned off. Unluckily, however, the bank which had been reached was steep and inaccessible; and the boat, when she struck against it, dislodged a quantity of earth, which fell on her bow, and caused her to bound off from the shore. She then became un­manageable, as the tiller-ropes by this time were consumed. Many of the passengers and crew were rescued by the steamers Baltic and Gov­ernor Pratt. The cargo, baggage and specie were all lost. The names of the killed are comprised in the following list:

KTLLED.-The family ot A. B. Church, consisting of two grown daughters, himself and wife, and two colored servants; D. M. Delmon­ico, New Jersey; wife of John Abrams, St. Louis; A. Dutcher and daughter, Mobile; E. Fitch, New Orleans; A. Barker and wife, Tenn.; Miss Snow, of Montgomery, Ala.; John Floyd, W. Smith, and Edward Young, Miss.; four colored waiters; nine firemen, Irish ; a German family, six in number; besides thirty-one persons who were more or less wounded.


(source: Lloyd's Steamboat Directory from 1856)