Book inventory

Here is a list of books in my collection related to steamboat topics with a strong focus on US inland rivers, Western Rivers as well as on the East Coast and New England lakes, in California, the Pacific Northwest and on the Yukon River. But there are quite a few books about other regions like Australia as well.

These books have been gathering dust in my basement for years. But eventually, in April 2024 I found a new home for them where they’re accessible to the public and hopefully useful for research and enjoyment: The International Maritime Museum Hamburg. I donated my books to this incredible collection where they’re been taken care of very well and at may even be digitized to allow full-text online access as well.

Click on the thumbnail image to see a full-size image of the book’s cover. Use the search field at the top right of the table if you’re looking for a specific book title or author.

titleauthor/editorpublisherpublished in (originally):LOC/ISBN
A Century on the Mississippi, A History of thememphis District, US Army Corps of Engineers 1876-1976Clay, Floy M.US Army Corps of Engineers Memphis Disctrict1976
A History of Steamboating on the Upper Missouri RiverUniversity of Nebraska Press1977 (1962)LOC: 62-14663, ISBN: 0-8032-0100-1
A History of Steamboats on the Minnesota RiverHughes, Thomas(1902)
A Pictorial History of the United States with Notices of Other Portions of AmericaGoodrich, S.G.E.H. Butler & Co, Philadelphia1854
A Riverman’s LexiconLehman, Charles F.J. R. Simpson & Ass. Inc, Florissant, MO2009LOC: 2009938670, ISBN: 978-0-9841503-0-4
A Summer Aboard The Steamer Helen Mar A Mississippi RiverboatSlocumb, Capt. W.R.James E. & Connie M. Abbott1991
Advertisements of Lower Mississippi River Steamboats 1812-1920Huber, Leonard V.The Steamship Historical Society of America1959
Afloat in AmericaHadfield, Charles and Alice Mary1979LOC: 79-52486
Alabama Steamboats 1819-1969Scruggs, J. H. jr. (editor)
Along the Ohio River, Cincinnato to LouisvilleSchrage, Robert / Clare, DonaldArcadoa Publishing2006LOC: 2006925723, ISBN: 0-7385-4308-X
American FerryboatsPerry, John1957LOC: 56-10711
American Heritage, August 19611961
American Paddle SteamboatsLane, Carl D.Cowar-McCann, New York1943
An Illustrated History of the Huntington District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1754-1974Johnson, Leland D.1977
An Ohio River AnthologyLeahy, Ethel1931
Backing Hard into HistorySwift, James V.J.R. Sompson & Assoiates2000LOC: 00-106597, ISBN: 0-9703086-0-4
Bartholomew’s Song: A Bayou HistoryDeArmond-Huskey, RebeccaHeritage Books, Inc.2001ISBN: 0-7884-1937-4
Beginnings of Steamboat Mail On Lower MississippiHuber, Leonard V.Reprint from The American Philatelist(1960)
Big Rivers to Cross, Mississippi Life TodayBurman, Ben Lucien1943
Canals of Mid-AmericaSwanson, Leslie C.1984 (1964)
Cap’n Hughes’ Steambot SketchbookHughes, JesseThe Picture Marine Publishing Company
Catfish and Calliopes, Growing up along the Ohio RiverKelley, Mary Corsi2001LOC: 2001118006, ISBN: 1-4010-2391-6
Cincinnati’s Tall Stacks, Queen City Heritage Vol. 57, Summer/Fall 1999, no. 2/31999
Clara Christensen’s River Talkin’Christensen Clara2001
Days of the SteamboatsEwen, William H.1967LOC: 67-10360
Directory of Steamboats on the Chattahoochee-Apalachicola River SystemNeville, Bert1961
Discover America’s Great River Road, the Lower Mississippi Volume 3,St. Louis, Missouri, to Memphis, TennesseeMiddleton, PatHeritage Press
Discover America’s Great River Road, the Upper Mississippi Volume 1, St. Paul, Minnesota to Dubuque, IowaMiddleton, PatHeritage Press
Discover America’s Great River Road, Volume 2, Galena, Illinois to St. Louis, MissouriMiddleton, PatHeritage Press1998ISBN: 978-0962082399
Discover America’s Great River Road, Volume IV, Arkansas, Mississippi and LouisianaMiddleton, PatGreat River Publishing, Stoddard, WI2005ISBN: 0-9711602-1-X
Famous Paddle SteamersHambleton, F.C.Model & Allies Publications, UK1971 (1948)
Farewell to SteamPlowden, DavidLOC: 65-18369
Flowing SouthFirestone, Clark B.Robert M. McBride & Company1941
From Jeffersonville To The Klondike – A Howard Story … Wathen, Richard
From Paddle Wheels to PropellersFishbaugh, Charles PrestonIndiana Historical Society1970
From Wood and Water, Steamboating on the Missouri River from Saint Louis to Fort Union, Dakota Territory 1841 – 1846Bettis, Mark H.The Wein Press, Hermann, MO2000ISBN: 0-9638589-5-5
Gateways to Commerce, The U.S: Army Corps of Engineers’ 9-Foot Channel Project on the Upper Mississippi RiverNational Park Service1992
Genesis of Steamboating on Western rivers; with a Register of Officers on the Upper Mississippi 1823-70Merrick, George Byron / Tibbals, William R.State Historical Society of Wisconsin1912
Great American Ships, A National Trust GuideDelgado, James P. / Clifford, J. Cadace1991LOC: 91-16933
Heading HomeMalone, JohnRiverman Press2007
History of American Steam NavigationMorrison, John H.Stephe Daye Press1958LOC: 58-11628
Ida was a Tramp and other ReflectionsQuinby, E.J.Exposition Press, Hicksville, NV1975ISBN: 0-682-48336-2
Inland Navigation of the United States (article)
Inland River Record 11988-1989Owen, Dan (editor)The Waterways Journal1989ISBN: 314-241-7354
Inland River Record 1946Way, Frederick jr.1946
Inland River Record 1967Way, Frederick jr.1967
Inventing New OrleansHear, LafcadioUniversity Press of Mississippi2001ISBN: 1-57806-353-1
James Rees & Son Company, Illustrated Catalog1966
Led by the River, The Story of My Father’s Towboating DaysBurress, Marjorie Byrnside
Life on the River, A Pictorial History of the Mississippi, Missouri, and the Western River SystemWayman, Norbury L.Bonanza Books1978 (1961)LOC: 78-168330
Live Steam, Paddlewheel Steamboats on the Mississippi SystemWard, John / Kral, Jon2000LOC: 00-102746, ISBN: 1-892695-00-6
Lloyd’s Steamboat Directory and Disasters on the Western Waters 1856Lloyd, James T. The Ohio River Collection, Young & Klein(1856)
Look Down That Winding River, an informal profile of the MississippiBurman, Ben LucienTaplinger Publishing1973ISBN: 0-8008-4960-4
Love on the River BattureGale, Captain J.V. Jr., NOBRA 27Action Press in Fat City, Metairie, LA
Memoir on Steamboats of the United States of AmericaMarestier, Jean BaptisteThe Marine Historical Association, Mystic, Conneticut1957 (1824)
Mighty Mississippi, Biograph of a RiverChilds, Marquis1982 (1903)LOC: 82-3299, ISBN: 0-89919-088-X
Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, Southern and Western Inland Steam VesselsStanton, Samuel WardH. Kneeland Whiting, New Jersey
Mississippi PanoramaCity Art Museum of St. Louis1949
Mississippi River at La Crosse, Wis., SS La Crosse Yester-rae, MV La Crosse Queen To-DayFranz, Roy A.Big Indian Boat Lines, La Crosse, Wis.1971
Mississippi River Getaways, Midwest LivingISBN: 0-696-20787-7
Mississippi River Gunboats of the American Civil War 1961-65Konstam, AngusOsprey Publishing2002ISBN: 1-84176-413-2
Mississippi Steamboatin’QuickHenry Holt and Company1926
Mississippi SternwheelersZeck, Pam and Gerry1982LOC: 81-15553, ISBN: 0-87614-180-7
Mississippi Stern-Wheelers, Ships and Asiling Albums Number 1Kalmbach Publishing Co., Milwaukee, Wis.1947
Missouri Historical Review (includes article “Midwestern River Steambots, a pictorial History”)The State Historical Society of Missouri
Museum Quarterly, April 1956, Davenport Public MuseumDavenport Public Museum1956
New Orleans on the Mississippi RiverExpress Publishing1999ISBN: 1-56944-173-1
North American Steamboat Register – NASRHervey, Hartcourt and Ellen1980
Of Men and RiversEifert, Virginia S.Dodd, Mead & Co, Inc.1966LOC: 66-24271
Ohio River Images, Cincinnati to Louisville in the Packet Boat EraRyle, Russell G.Arcadia Publishing2000LOC: 00-105899, ISBN: 0-7385-0739-3
Old Man River, The Memories of Captain Louis Rosché, Pioneer SteamboatmanHereford, RobertThe Caxton Printers1942
Old Times on the Mississippi, Recollections of a Steamboat Pilot from 1854 to 1863Merrick, George ByronUniversity of Minnesota Press2001 (1909)
One Man and the Mighty Mississippi, A Sixty-Year Adventure on the Mississippi and Ohio RiversHillman, Capt NormanHeritage Press2001LOC: 2001131696
Packets and Pitmans: An Informal Account of Steamboating on the “Westen Rivers” in the 19th CenturyFord, Ashley L.1999
Packets on ParadeBradley, Marilynne1980
Paddle Steamers, An Illustrated History of Steamboats on the Missippi and Ist TributariesWatson, KenW.W. Norton & Company, New York1985ISBN: 0-393-01865-2
Paddle Steamers, An Illustrated History of Steamboats on the Missippi and Ist TributariesCox, Bertrand1979ISBN: 0-7137-0924-3
PaddlewheelersSheffler, H.R.1981LOC: 81-19456, ISBN: 0-89686-204-6
Perilous Journeys: A History of Steamboating on the Chattahoochee, Apalachichola and Flint Rivers, 1828-1928Mueller, Edward A.Historic Chattahoochee Commission1990ISBN: 0-945477-09-0
Pictorial History of American Ships, On The High Seas & Inland WatersDurant, John and AliceA.S. Barnes and Company1953LOC: 53-8303
Pilot on the RiverMiner, Lewis S.Albert Whitman & Co, Chicago1942 (1940)
Pilot Rules for the Rivers whose waters flow into the Gulf of Mexico and their Tributaries and the Red River of the North, Edition Aug 1, 1911Washington Government Printing Office1913
Pilotin’ Comes NaturalWay, Fred Jr.1943
Portraits from the Past Steamboats on the Western RiversFink, Neal R.Fineline Co., Inc., St. Charles, MO1977
Portraits of the RiverboatsDavis, William C.Thunder Bay Press, San Diego, CA2001ISBN: 1-57145-493-4
Red River Steamboats – Images of AmericaBrock, Eric / Joiner, GaryArcadia Publishing, Charleston, SC1999LOC: 99-63306, ISBN: 0-7385-0168-9
Reflections 1850-1968
Richardson’s Landing as
River Boats of America, From Flatboats to Floating Palaces, from the Cotton Blossom to the Staten Island FerryDonovan, Frank1966LOC: 66-25432
River Drift, Fourth RunThe Waterways Journal1972
River Drift, Second RunThe Waterways Journal1970
River Drift, Third RunThe Waterways Journal1971
River Engineers On The Middle MississippiDobney, Frederick J.US Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis, Missouri District1978LOC: 78-4194
River Towboat Deck Hand GuideLarson, Capt. Ron
Scenes From MemoryKohlhepp, Frances HowardHoward Steamboat Museum, Jeffersonville, IN1991
Ships through the AgesLobley, Douglas
Sidewheel Saga – A Chronical of SteamboatingHill, Ralph Nading1952LOC: 52-9605
St. Louis and the Mighty Mississippi in the Steamboat Age: The Collected Writings of Ruth FerrisFerris, RuthThe St. Louis Mercantile Library1993
Steamboat Days on the Tennessee River, A History of the St. Louis and Tennessee River Packet CompanyTeuton, Frank L.1974 (1967)
Steamboat Evolution, A Short HistoryClark, B.E.G.ISBN: 9-781847-532015
Steamboat Fun for Kids, Belle of Louisville
Steamboat Today, A Pictorial Directory of North American VesselsRhodes, Tom / Scott, HarleyCayuga Creek Historical Press1986
Steamboat! The Story of Captain Blanche LeathersGilliland, Judith HeideDorling Kindersley Publishing, New York2000LOC: 99-14811, ISBN: 0-7894-2585-8
Steamboatin’ on the CumberlandDouglas, ByrdTennessee Book Company1961LOC: 61-18350
Steamboatin’ River Log, A catalogue of places of interst along the great rivers of AmericaDelta Queen Steamboat Company
Steamboating on the Mississippi River in the SixtiesDeatherage, C.P.Ye Galleon Press, Fairfield, WA1998ISBN: 0-87770-677-8
Steamboating on the Missouri, True Stories from Riverboat DaysGilespie, Michael L.1997
Steamboats And Ferries On White RiverHuddleston, Duane / Rose, Sammie / Wood, PatUCA Press1995LOC: 94-31115, ISBN: 0-944436-22-6
Steamboats and the Cotton EconomyOwens, Harry P.University Press of Mississippi1990ISBN: 1-57806-622-0
Steamboats of the Fort Union Fur Trade, An Illustrated Listing of Steamboats in the Upper Missouri River, 1831-1867Casler, Michael M.Fort Union Association1999ISBN: 0-9672251-1-6
Steamboats on the Fox River, A Pictorial History of Navigation in Northeastern WisconsinMitchell, D.C.Castle-Pierce Press1986LOC: 86-72757
Steamboats on the MuskingumGamble, J. MackSteamship Historical Society of America1971
Steamboats on the St. CroixBuck, Anita AlbrechtNorth Star Press of St. Cloud, Minnesota1990ISBN: 0-87839-060-X
Steamboats, The History of an American InstitutionGraham, Philip1976 (1951)LOC: 51-14160, ISBN: 0-292-70029-6
Steamboat Days on the Tennessee River, A History of the St. Louis and Tennessee River Packet CompanyTeuton, Frank L.
Steambots and mondern steam launches, Reproduction of a magazine published in 1961, 1962 and 1963Howelt North Books
Steambots on the MississippiAndrist, Ralph K.American Heritage Publishing, New York
Tales of the MississippiSamuel, Ray / Huber, Leonard V. / Ogden, Warren C.Hastings House Publishers New York1955LOC: 55-11637
The AlleghenyWay, Frederick Jr.J. J. Little and Ives Co, NY1942
The History of the Marietta Manufacturing CompanyStone, Charles H. / Fowler, JackThe John Deaver Drinko Academy for American Institutions and Civic Culture, Marshall University Huntington, WV2006ISBN: 1-891607-08-1
The Mississippi and the Making of a Nation, from the Lousiana Purchase to TodayAmbrose, Stephen E. / Brinkley, Douglas G.Louisiana Purchase Bicentennial2002ISBN: 0-7922-6913-6
The Mississippi River in living color, travel Series A, Vol. 106
The Mississippi River: Father of Waters – Images of AmericaShafer, James L. / Tigges, John T.Arcadia Publishing, Charleston, SC2000LOC: 00-108690, ISBN: 0-7385-0745-8
The Mississippi Steamboat Era in Historic Photographs, Natchez to New Orleans 1870-1920Gandy, Joan W. / Gandy, Thomas H.1987LOC: 86-24354, ISBN: 0-486-25260-4
The Mississippi, The life and legends of America’s greatest riverMiller, A. (editor)Orbis Publishing, London1975LOC: 75-299-76
The Ohio & Erie Canal, A Glossary of TermsWoods, Terry K. The Kent State University Press, Kent, OH1995LOC: 94-32501, ISBN: 0-87338-522-5
The Ohio River Handbook and Picture AlbumKlein, Benjamin F. (editor)The Ohio River Collection, Young & Klein1969
The Paths of Inland CommerceHulbert, Archer B.Johnson, Allen (Editor)(1920)
The Steamboaters – From the Early Side-Wheelers to the Big PacketsDrago, Harry SinclairBramhall House1967LOC: 67-17647
The Thrills of the Historic Ohio RiverGrayson, Frank Y.The Cincinnati Times-Star2000 (1929)ISBN: 0-9639006-1-7
The Upper Mississippi (article in The National Geographic Magazine, Vol. CXIV, no. 5)Price, William1958
The Western River SteamboatKane, Adam I.2004ISBN: 1-58544-343-3
The Whiskey Merchant’s Diary, An Urban Life in the Emerging MidwestMersman, Joseph J.Ohio University Press, Athens, Ohio2007ISBN: 978-0-8214-1746-1
Timeline, March/April 1996Ohio Historical Society1996
Towboat RiverRosskam, Edwin and Louise
Twenty Miles of Steamboat WrecksColeman, R. AllenRiver City Publications, Omaha, Nebraska
Upper Mississippi River History, Fact-Fiction-LegendLarson, Capt. RonSteamboat Press, Winona, MN1998 (1995)LOC: 98-60243, ISBN: 0-9640937-2-3
Veteran SteamersSpies, M.H.Trykkeriet “Danmark”, Copenhagen1965
Views on the Mississippi, The Photographs of Henry Peter BosseNeuziel, MarkUniversity of Minnesota Press2001LOC: 00-012570, ISBN: 0-81663648-6
War on the Mississippi, Grant’s Vicksburg CampaignKorn, JerryTime-Life Books1985LOC: 84-16206, ISBN: 0-8094-4744-4
Water trails WestThe Western Writers of America1977LOC: 77-82973, ISBN: 0-385-12709-X
Western Steamboats of the Mississippi RiverSmith, Jill Butler1994
Wild River, Wooden Boats, The True Stories of Steamboating and the Missouri RiverGillespie, MichaelHeritage Press2000LOC: 00-130051, ISBN: 0-9620823-7-6
Winter River Traffic – The PalimsestThe State Historical Society of Iowa1963
specific boats or steamboat companies
Flight of the Eagle, History of the Steamer Golden Eagle 1918-1947Swift, James V.Golden Eagle River Museum
Ticonderoga, Lake Champlain SteamboatShelburne Musum1998ISBN: 0-939384-23-X
The Story of the TiconderogaHill, Ralph NadingShelburne Museum1957 (1953)LOC: 52-9605
The Scenic Water Way, Season 1932-33, Vol. X, No. 1, Streckfus Line MagazineStreckfus Steamers
The Island Queen, Cincinnati’s Excursion SteamerWhite, John H / White, Robert J.Akron Press, Akron, OH1995LOC: 95-40523, ISBN: 1-884836-17-8
Steamboat in a CornfieldHartford, JohnCrown Publishers1986LOC: 86-4154, ISBN: 0-517-56141-7
Treasure in a Cornfield – The Discovery and Excavation of the Steambot ArabiaHawley, GregArabia Steamboat Museum1998LOC: 97-66734, ISBN: 0-9657612-5-8
The Treasures of the Steamboat ArabiaHawley, DavidArabia Steamboat Museum1995ISBN: 978-0966464306
The Steamboat Bertrand, History, Excavation and ArchitectirePetsche, Jerome E.Nation Park Srvice1993 (1974)
The Steamboat Bertrand, History, Excavation and ArchitecturePetsche, Jerome E.National Park Service1974
Admiral – A HistoryDunn, J. ThomasLittle River Books
W.P. Snyder Jr., MariettaThe Ohio Historical Society
The Diamond Jo Line, The PalimpsestThe State Historical Society of Iowa1970
The Steamer Sprague (Big Mama), World’s Largest Sternwheel Towboat
The Log of the Betsy AnnWay, Fred Jr.1993
Pioneer Pilot – A Boys’ Story of the first Steamboat Voyage from Pittsburgh to New OrleansParks, Edd W.The Bobbs-Merrill Co, New York
The Child of an Eagle, Mississippi SteamboatingWhite, Wm. Robert (Bob)Center for Regional History & Cultural Heritage, Southeast Missouri State University1980
The George M. Verity StoryTschiggfrie, DavidKeokuk River Museum
A History of the Eagle Packet CompanyBarkhau, Roy L.Eagle Packet Company1951
Streckfus Steamers Magazine 1979Dunn, J. Thomas1979
The Race of the Century, Natchez vs. Robert E. Lee, June 30-July 4, 1870The Delta Queen Steamboat Company
A Brief History of the Steamboat War Eagle, 1854-1870Taunt, Robert B.LaCrosse County Historical Society
The Amazing Story of the New OrleansGeorge, Judith St.1980LOC: 79-14475, ISBN: 0-399-20697-3
Steamboat Legacy – The Life & Times of a Steamboat FamilyHeckman Shrader, DorothyThe Wein Press, Hermann, MO1993LOC: 93-061111, ISBN: 0-9638589-0-4
Steamboat Kid – Memories of a Missouri ChildhoodHeckman Shrader, DorothyThe Wein Press, Hermann, MO2000LOC: 93-061111, ISBN: 0-9638589-6-3
Steamboat Treasures – The Inadvertent Autobiography of a SteamboatmanHeckman Shrader, DorothyThe Wein Press, Hermann, MO1997LOC: 93-061111, ISBN: 0-9638589-3-9
The Story of the Civil War Gunboat U.S.S. CairoJones, Virgil CarringtonNational Park Service1971
Fleetwood Reflections, River News Volume 3Kouns, Sharon Milich / Hulme, Ken
How to Navigate the Mighty Mississippi Like a River Pilot – Souvenir BrochureCelebration BelleCelebration Belle
A Race for the Horns, River News Volume 1 – steamboat Cheseapeake & Fannie DuganKouns, Sharon Milich / Hulme, Ken
Delta Queenauthor/editor publisherpublished in (originally):LOC/ISBN
Delta Queen, The Story of a SteamboatEifert, Virginia S:Vail-Ballou Press, Binghamton, NY1960LOC: 60-7034
Delta Queen, The Story of a SteamboatBowen, Charles2001LOC: 00-193522, ISBN: 0-7388-5850-1
From the wake of our past come many moments to remember – 75th anniversary of Green Line SteamersBlake Simcox, Betty1965
Long Live the Delta QueenGreene, Letha C.1973LOC: 72-13746, ISBN: 0-8038-4286-4
Steamboat Delta Queen, Last of the Overnight PaddlewheelersWojtas, E.J.Stowe, J.A.
The Legend of the Delta QueenKeating, BernDelta Queen Stemboat Company1986LOC: 86-070-477
The Log of the S.S. Delta Queen, Cincinnati to Kentucky Lake & Kentucky Lake to ChattanoogaEifert, Virginia S.Greene Line Steamers, Inc1965
The Log of the S.S. Delta Queen, Cincinnati to New OrleansEifert, Virginia S.Greene Line Steamers, Inc1965 (?)
The Saga of the Delta QueenWay, Frederick Jr.1951
Belle of Louisvilleauthor/editor publisherpublished in (originally):LOC/ISBN
Belle of LouisvilleBates, Alan L.Alan Lawrence Bates1992LOC: 65-22802
Belle of Louisville Log, The Complete History of one of Louisville’s Most Famous Citizens
Historic River Steamer Belle of Louisville, A Window to the Past, a Door to the Future, A Brief History
She’s the Belle of Louisville!
showboatsauthor/editor publisherpublished in (originally):LOC/ISBN
Cargo of Memories, Saga of the Majestic ShowboatKing, Catherine ReynoldsMountain State Press, Charleston, WV1992ISBN: 0-941092-24-0
Children of Ol’ Man River, The Life and Times of a Showboat TrouperBryand, BillyR.R. Donnelley & Sons Co.1988
Here comes the Showboat!Bryant, BettyThe University Press of Kentucky1994LOC: 93-47998, ISBN: 0-8131-1862-X
The James Adams Floating TheatreGillespie, RichardTidewater Publishers1991ISBN: 0-87033-416-6
Colorado, West Coast, Yukon, Alaskaauthor/editor publisherpublished in (originally):LOC/ISBN
A Pacific Legend, A Century of Maritime Photography 1850-19050Bonnett, WayneChronical Books, San Francisco, CA1991LOC: 91-19556
Edge of the River, Heart of the City, A History of the Whitehorse WaterfrontDobrowolsky, Helene / Ingram, RobThe Yukon Historical & Museum Association1994ISBN: 0-9694612-2-4
Pacific Steamboats – From Sidewheeler to Moto Ferry, A Vivid Pictorial History of the West Coast’s Boats and BoatsmenNewell, Cordon / Williamson, JoeSuperior Publishing Company, Seattle1958
Paddlewheel Days in CaliforniaMacMullen, JerryStanford University Press1944
Paddlewheelers of Alaska and the YukonWilson, GrahamWolf Creek Books Inc, Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada2004 (1962)ISBN: 0-9681955-5-5
Paddlewheels on the Frontier, The Story of British Columbia and the Yukon Sternwheel SteamersDowns, ArtGray’s Publishing, Sidney, B.C., Canada1972ISBN: 0-88826-033-4
Steamboat on the SaskatchewanPeel, BrucePrairie Book Service, Saskatoon, Sasketchewan1972ISBN: 0-919306-31-4
Steamboats on the Chena, The founding & development of Fairbanks, AlaskaHendrick, Basil & Savage, SusanEpicenter Press, Fairbanks, AK1988LOC: 87-83742
Steamboats on the Colorado River 1852-1916Lingenfelter, Richard E.The Arizone Board of Regents1978LOC: 78-16241, ISBN: 0-8165-0567-5
Steamboats on the Northwest RiversGulick, Bill
Steamships and Motorships of the West Coast Benson, Richard M.Superior Publishing Company, Seattle
Stern-Wheelers un ColumbiaMills, Randall V.Pacific Books, Palo Alto, Calif.1947
Sternwheelers up Columbia RiverMills, Randall V.Pacific Books, Palo Alto, Calif.1977LOC: 77-7161, ISBN: 0-8032-5874-7
The S.S. Moyie, Memories of the Oldest SternwheelerTurner, Robert D.The Kootenay Lake Historical Society, Kaslo, BC1991ISBN: 1-55039-013-9
Yukon River SteamboatsCohen, Stan1982LOC: 82-81717, ISBN: 0-933126-19-0
Yukon Riverboat DaysYardley, Joyce1996ISBN: 0-88839-386-5
East Coast, New Englandauthor/editor publisherpublished in (originally):LOC/ISBN
Casco Bay Steamboat AlbumDunn, WilliamDown East, The Magazine of Maine1969
Dayline on the Hudson1967
Mail Service on the Lake, Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire1971
New England Steamship Company, Long Island Sound Night Boats in the Twentieth CenturyDunbaugh, Edwin L.Steamship Historical Society of America2005ISBN: 0-8130-2792-6
Old Steamboat Days on the Hudson RiverBuckman, David LearThe Grafton Pres, New York1907
Paddle Box Decorations of American Sound SteamboatsThe Mariners’ Museum Newport News, Virginia1952 (1943)
Salts of the Sound, The Colorful Saga of Steamboating an the Famous Skippers Who Sailed Long Island SoundMcAdam, Roger Williams1957 (1939)LOC: 57-13348
Steam against Steam, Tales of the Classic Conneticut River Battle of Steamboats vs. RailroadsLane, Carl D.1973LOC: 75-183875, ISBN: 87106-109-0
The Hudson’s Lost Steam Fleet (article in Steamboat Bill, fall 2003)Rinaldi, Thomas2003
The Old Bay Line 1840-1940. Baltimore Steam Packet CompanyBrown, Alexander CosbyBonanza Books1977LOC: 77-712-12
The Old Fall River LineMcAdam, Roger Williams1955 (1937)LOC: 55-8572
Ticonderoga, Lake Champlain SteamboatShelburne Musum1998ISBN: 0-939384-23-X
special topics: gamblers, calliopes, model building publisherpublished in (originally):LOC/ISBN
Limbs on the Levee: Steamboat Explosions and the Origins of Federal Public Welfare Regulations, 1817-1852Brown, John K.International Steamboat Society1989ISBN: 0-933847-06-8
Exploding Steamboats, Senate Debates, and Technical Reports, The Convergence of Technology Politics and Rhetoric in the Steamboat Bill 1838Brockmann, R. JohnBaywood Publishing, Amityville, NY2002LOC: 2001043304, ISBN: 0-89503-266-X
Steambot Disasters, River News Volume 2. wrecks, explosions and other calamitiesKouns, Sharon Milich / Hulme, Ken
Steamboat Wrecks on the Missouri River 1842-1862Archeology Oct 1972, Vol. 23, no. 41972
Mark Twain’s Steamboat Years, The Years of CommandEwing, Raymond P.1981LOC: 81-68856
Mark Twain and the Queens of the MississippiHarness, CherylAladdin Paperbacks2003ISBN: 0-689-85549-4
Steamboatin’ Days, Folk Songs of the River Packet EraWheeler, MaryLouisiana State University Press1944
Naval Architect (reprint)Bates, Alan L.
Model Ship Supply Co. – Catalogue No. 5Model Ship Supply Co.1930
Model Ship Supply Co. – Catalogue No. 12Model Ship Supply Co.
Blue Ribbon Hobby BookBoucher Playthings Mfg. Corp., New York1938
Scale Models of Famous ShipsBoucher Playthings Mfg. Corp., New York1939
Antiques Auction Steamboat Material, The Collection of the late Bert Fenn, Tell City, IndianaGarth’s Auctions1994
Australiaauthor/editor publisherpublished in (originally):LOC/ISBN
River Boat Days on the Murray, Darling, MurrumbidgeePhillips, Peter J.Lansdowne Press, Melbourne, Australia1972ISBN: 7018 00 46
River RivalsMudie, IanWilliam Collins Publishers1975ISBN: 0-00-195025-8
Riverboat SketchbookMudie, Ian1975ISBN: 0-7270-0017-9
Riverboat Ways, Australia’s Inland PaddleweelersPhillips, Peter J.Greenhouse Publishing, Australia1983ISBN: 0-909104-63-8
RiverboatsMudie, Ian
The Marion StoryGodson, HarryInvestigator Press, Australia1973
UKauthor/editor publisherpublished in (originally):LOC/ISBN
Beam EnginesHeyees, GeoffreyShire Publications, Risburough, Buckinghamshire, UK ISBN: 0 7478 0544 X
SteamboatsStammers, M. K.Shire Publications, Risburough, Buckinghamshire, UK
Steamboat Register, 7th editionHillsdon, Brian / Smith, BrianThe Steamboat Association of Great Britain2000
Paddle Wheels, winter 1991, issue 126Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1991
Paddle Wheels, autumn 1989, issue 117Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1989
Paddle Wheels, summer 1989, issue 116Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1989
Paddle Wheels, winter 1989, issue 118Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1989
Paddle Wheels, spring 1990, issue 119Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1990
Paddle Wheels, summer 1990, issue 120Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1990
Paddle Wheels, autumn 1990, issue 121Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1990
Paddle Wheels, winter 1990, issue 122Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1990
Paddle Wheels, spring 1991, issue 123Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1991
Paddle Wheels, autumn 1992, issue 129Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1992
Paddle Wheels, summer 1991, issue 124Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1991
Paddle Wheels, spring 1993, issue 131Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1993
Paddle Wheels, winter 1992, issue 130Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1992
Paddle Wheels, summer 1993, issue 132Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1993
Paddle Wheels, autumn 1992, issue 125Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1992
Paddle Wheels, summer 1994, issue 136Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1994
Paddle Wheels, spring 1994, issue 135Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1994
Paddle Wheels, summer 1992, issue 128Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1992
Paddle Wheels, winter 1994, issue 138Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1994
Paddle Wheels, winter 1993, issue 134Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1993
Paddle Wheels, autumn 1993, issue 133Paddle Steamer Preservation Society1993
novelsauthor/editor publisherpublished in (originally):LOC/ISBN
A Stretch on the River, A Novel of Adventure on a Mississippi River TowboatMissell, RichardMinnesota Historical Society Press, St. Paul, MN1987 (1950)LOC: 87-20390, ISBN: 0-87351-220-0
Blow for a LandingBurman, Ben LucienBallantine Books, New York1974 (1965)ISBN: 345-24072-3-150
Chasing Steam – A Comical, Historical, Twainical NovelMcLaughlin, Jack2011ISBN: 978-1456543549
First Steamboat Down the MississippiFichter, George S.Pelican Publishing Co, Inc, Gretna, Louisiana1989LOC: 88-30308
River in my BloodBissell, RichardSignet Books, New York1955 (1949)
Rooster Crows for DayBurman, Ben LucienE.P. Dutton & Co, Inc., New York1945
Steamboat on the RiverTeilhet, DarwinWilliam Sloane Associates
otherauthor/editor publisherpublished in (originally):LOC/ISBN
Raddampfer in Europa und Amerika (in German)Jobe, J. / Hilton, G.W. / Plummer, R.Edita Lausanne1976ISBN: 2-88001-014-4
Uncle Scrooge, Walt Disney 10038, 12 December (comic with paddlewheeler steamboat scenes)1954
Riverboat Ahoy! (children’s book)Brimax, Newmarket, England1983ISBN: 0-96112-171-6