A. flue of the steamer Edward Bates collapsed on the Mississippi river, near Hamburg, Ill., on the 9th day of August, 1848, causing the death of fifty-three persons, anti wounding forty others. The particulars are unknown, as few of those who witnessed the disaster survived to tell the melancholy story. The names of some of the killed and wounded have been preserved, and will be found in the following list:
KILLED-William Chamberlain, Mr. White, Mr. Rarridon, and Mr. ilaines, deck passengers; Mrs. Bowen and nephew; Mrs. John Bowen and child; Mrs. Susan Bowen and child; Mr. Eades and two children; Master Eades, his nephew; John Brown, Andrew Hatfield, and Eli Delmay, deck hands; Geo. Matson and John Lenan, firemen; Henry Johnson, Wm. Parks, G. VT. Lyons, J. Holliday, Wm. Amet, Frederic Smith, colored fireman, and Isaac Dozier.
Thirteen dead bodies, exclusive of the above, were afterwards picked up at Hamburg.
WOUNDED-George Blackwell, T. B. Ewing, D. E. Cameron, Samuel Simpson, Preston Leiper, Le Roy Jenkins, E. B. Morrison and wife, (badly,) M. Vansel, James Cook, J. H. Simpson, Master Bowen, Mr. Eades, E. T. Hudson, H. M. Swazy, J. Righter, and friend.
MORTALLY WOUNDED-George Watt, Samuel Dolsey, Wm. Wells, John Montague, Silas Bowman, Samuel Ferguson, T. N. McDonald, Joseph Morrison, Jacob Andrews, F. Turner, Jno. Swan, and Wm. Robinson.