On the 16th of September, 1848, the steamer Coneordia burst all her boilers, When about to land passengers at Plaquemine, La. All the upper works were demolished, and sosne fragments of them were blown to the distance of three hundred yards. The cabin passengers all escaped uninjured. Twenty-eight of the crew and deck passengers were killed, and eight or ten persons were wounded.
KILLED.-B. M. McDowell, clerk; Michael McQuaide, deck hand; Henry Jordon, a colored fireman ; two cabin boys; a fireman, name not mentioned; Robert aitd Edward Davis, colored men; and about twenty deck passengers, names unknown.
W0UNDED.-Capt. fl. Pease (mortally); John F. Mosely, second clerk; John TabLet, colored fireman; John Henderson, first engineer; F. W. Colles, book-keeper; Samuel Bunnall, colored fireman. Capt. Pease died soon after the accident.