The accident to which we now refer, took place on the Mississippi river, at a placo called the Canadian Reach, on the 14th day of May, 1828. We are informed that the force-pomp was out of order, and did not supply the boilers with water. The engineer stopped time machinery, and made an effort to put the pump in good working order. The machinery seas again put in motion, but scarcely had the wheels made three revolutions when the cast-iron head of one of the boilers was blown out. Such was the jar or concussion produced hy this accident, that all the boilers, four in number, were dislodged and thrown with great violence on the deck. More than thirty persons wore killed, and ten or twelve others were scalded or otherwise badly in­jured. tu the report of this accident, made by the officers of the boat, the names of the per­sons killed or wounded are not given.


(source: Lloyd's Steamboat Directory from 1856)