The disaster about to be related, took place on Arkansas river, ten miles below Dardanella, on the 14th day of March, 1852. While rounding out from a wood-yard, she collapsed both flues of her middle boiler, blowing out principally aft. Eighteen persons were scalded, of whom eight died before eleven o’clock on the following morning. The boat took fire immediately after the explosion, but was saved by the strenuous exertions of the officers and crew, assisted by the passengers.

KILLED.-Wm. Pettit, second engineer, Quincy, Ill.; Michael Ma­guire, fireman, Ireland; Henry Cook, first cook, Missouri; Lavinia Barker, Simon Barker and Mourning Barker, passengers, of Indiana; Joseph and John A. McDonald, passengers.

SCALDED.-Wm. Sanford, (badly,) third engineer, St. Louis; Wm. Blythe, fireman, Ireland; Wm. Morgan, deck hand, New Orleans; Matilda Housely, passenger, Indiana; Thomas Barker, infant, (badly,) Indiana; W. J. McDonald and son, Susan McDonald, and Amanda Housely, of Indiana, passengers, and the first engineer.


(source: Lloyd's Steamboat Directory from 1856)