Dear All,
I am a Tour Guide in New Orleans and currently learning more about the incredible history of Steamboats. While browsing the internet, I found your website and its goldmine of information! I hope someone here can help me connect with the right persons for my project: I am organizing a lecture about steamboats for the local Tour Guide association and I am looking for speakers who can educate us on the topic in its different aspects (navigation on the Mississippi, floating Casinos, economical impact, races, captains and figures of the Steamboat era, etc...) It is scheduled for late July in New Orleans.
Many thanks in advance!
Hallo Gisele,
You have one of the best steamboat experts living in New Orleans - Captain Clarke C. Hawley. You may contact him. Or get in contact with Captain Matt Dow whom you can contact via the Steamboat Natchez.
Thank you Carmen! I'll contact them.