American Queen

Joined: 15 years ago
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Caught the AQ near Chattanooga a couple weeks ago and saw what appears to be a white shipping container on the bow. Anyone got any info on why?

Franz Neumeier
Joined: 19 years ago
Posts: 537

On older ocean-going cruise ships such containers are being used as independent backup/emergency energy supply for the propulsion and other essential systems in case of a power failure. You'll see them especially on older expedition cruise vessels where it's difficult to find a hidden place for them. On newer ships these backup systems are part of the original ship design and integrated somewhere in the engine room setup. For river cruise ship, I honestly don't know whether an independent backup system is required now as well - if so, that might explain the container on the AQ.

Joined: 15 years ago
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Thanks. It was close to passing under the bridge I was crossing. I slowed down and got a good look but wasnt about to attempt a pic. Stacks folded and pilot house down and this giant shipping container on the bow. It catches your eye even if your not familiar with the AQ. Very out of place. Found a video online that shows it very well. Maybe its holding some type of construction equipment for remodel or repair while shes under way.
