Morning, S&D colleagues,
May not be pure steamboats but close to the subject. We've seen nothing but incessant, heavy rains and storms here for weeks now. Not one dry weekend in eight weeks. What we've experienced here, and around the country, south and south east, I wonder what the projection is for an Ohio River flood? I've seen in my time floods here in June, July, October. Last night here I thought our neighborhood, houses would wash away. 'Something' is happening with our weather for certain. What is the thinking, view from some of you in your areas?
R. Dale Flick
Old Coal Haven Landing, Ohio River, Cincinnati.
It means climate change, for sure. The wet weather patterns we are seeing are also exacerbated by a strong El Niño pattern in the Pacific Ocean which affects the weather in North America. The Upper MIssissippi, Missouri and Arkansas River Basins have all seen excessive rain this year.
*Rain here/El Nino*
Morning, Bob, and thanks for mentioning the El Nino pattern I suspected. I saw an earlier El Nino traveling in South America with the Amazon and other major tributaries running at record levels. The great waterfalls of Iguazu were running some 40 feet above usual levels. I read there's not been a tow above St. Louis in weeks and weeks, correct? This could go on all summer and into the autumn.
R. Dale Flick
Old Coal Haven Landing, Ohio River, Cincinnati
Dale and Bob.......some years are wet and some are dry. I think this is just an exceptionally wet year. We've had El Nino and El Nina for ever. The weather people down in St. Petersburg, Fl. predicted this last fall because of an El Nina which set up in the South Atlantic someplace. Who knows, next year we may be begging for rain. These things come in cycles.
In the 70's it was a coming ice age, 80's acid rain, 9o's the ozone layer, oo's globle warming, now in the teens it's climate change. I'm not a climate change denier but I do believe the world is an ever evolving planet.