The steamboat Helen McGregor, Capt. Tyson, on her way from New Orleans to Louisville, stopped at Memphis, on Wednesday morn­ing, February 24, 1830. She had been lying at the wharf about thirty minutes, when one or more of her boilers exploded, with the usual de­structive and melancholy effects. The loss of life by this accident was, at that time, unprecedented in the records of steam navigation. In the bustle incident to the landing and receiving of passengers, a part of the deck near the boilers was crowded with people, all of whom were either killed instantaneously, or more or less injured. No person in the cabins was hurt. The number of those who perished at the moment

of the explosion is variously estimated at from thirty to sixty. As many of them were strangers whose homes were far distant, and whose bodies were never recovered from the water, into which they were pro­jected, it is very plain that an accurate account of the number of the victims is not to be expected.

The following report of the killed and wounded is the most complete and reliable that could be obtained :

KILLED.-Richard Hancock, of Louisville, Kentucky ; A. Van Mee­ter, Hardin County, Tennessee; Mr. Talbot, of Long Beach, Ohio; James Bledso, Kentucky; Mr. Carrol, Cincinnati, Ohio; Edward P. Beadles, Clark County, Indiana; J. Dunn, Tennessee; G. B. Giles, Cincinnati; Ephraim Goble, Brookville, Indiana; John Delaney, colored; William Ewing, Clark County, Indiana; William Stockwell, Salem, In­diana; Solomon Jones, Maysville, Kentucky; J. Reaves, Harrison County, Indiana; Lewis Young, colored; Jack, a colored boy, twelve years. old.

BADLY W0UNDED.-George Trey, Tipton County, Tennessee; John Cameron, Clark County, Indiana; Joshua Richardson, Indiana; John Valentine, Massachusetts; Mr. De Haven, Philadelphia; John Leland, a pilot; J. Sugg; Union County, Kentucky; John Felchcn, New York; R. Bailey, firm of Bell, Hardin & Co., Tennessee; II. Heldrith, Madi­son County, Indiana; John Addisson, one of the crew; Thomas Dren­ard, Wilson County, Tennessee; J. Swan, Orange County, Indiana; J. Tenyek, Shippingsport, Kentucky; William Case, New York.

SLIGHTLY WOUNDED.-Capt. Tyson, commander of the Helen McGregor; – Turner, engineer; P. O’Daniel, Indiana; T. L. Knowland, Ohio; J. Monaco, Tipton County, Tennessee; John Coons, Clark County, Indiana; William Pottorff, Clark County, Indiana; John Dougherty, Overton County, Tennessee; Thomas Bank, Lawrence County, Indiana; Green Williams, colored fireman.


(source: Lloyd's Steamboat Directory from 1856)